Anti-Apartheid Special (2x Books)

In anticipation of the upcoming film 'London Recruits', detailing the secret anti-apartheid work which some Young Communist League members took part in the 1970s, Manifesto Press has published both a comprehensive educational pack, and a previously classified pamphlet from the South African Communist Party.
The "London Recruits Educational Pack" details the struggle against and the history of apartheid, across 80 full colour pages. Blending personal accounts, historical background, political analysis and much contextual material the book provides an invaluable insight into the relationship between the different aspects of the anti apartheid struggle encompassing international solidarity with the political mass struggle of the ANC and South African Communist Party; armed struggle with underground activity and the inter-nation boycott and sanctions movement.
While "How To Master Secret Work" was written 40 years ago at the height of South Africa’s national liberation struggle against the Apartheid regime. It was distributed secretly and used in training cadres, in exile and inside South Africa.
Both available together for £17, a saving of £3 if purchased separately.
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